Calendar for October 2010

«September 2010

October 2010

November 2010»
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 09:00 NSF Approval 09:00 Subaward 75ADV-1090483 09:00 Purchase Justification / Certs 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Mod-5, add Stop Work & Termination Clause 09:00 PTA Change, 26-Jan-2012 09:00 Basic Procurement Docs/ Certs 09:00 Communications 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Solicitation 09:00 Mod-4; POP ends 3/31/14; add Budget & SOW 09:00 Purchase Justification / Certs 09:00 Mod-7, POP end date is 3/31/15 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Solicitation 09:00 Contract Modifications 09:00 Mod-1, Add Research Assistant for 9/1/10 - 8/31/12 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 2 09:00 Communications 09:00 Contract Modifications 09:00 Subaward 75ADV-190486 09:00 Communications 09:00 Subaward 75ADV-1090039 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Communications 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Purchase Justification / Certs 09:00 Stanford Basic Agreement 75ADV-1087852, POP 9/1/09 - 8/31/12 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 1 09:00 Solicitation 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Contract Modifications 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 1 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Purchase Justification / Certs 09:00 Solicitation 15 Jun 2011 09:00 Communications 09:00 Solicitation 09:00 Contract Mod-1 09:00 Contract / Subaward 75ADV-1090481 09:00 Purchase Justification / Certs 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Subaward 75ADV-1090013 09:00 Purchase Justification 09:00 Communications 09:00 Communications 09:00 A-133 OMB Certification 09:00 NSF Approval 09:00 Purchase Justification / Certs 09:00 Mod-3, extend POP end date to 3/31/13 09:00 Close Out, start 4/1/15 & complete by 5/30/15 09:00 Change Order 2 09:00 Contract 09:00 Budget / SOW 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Contract / Subaward 75ADV-1090458 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Contract Modifications 09:00 Solicitation/Proposal 09:00 Subaward 75ADV-1090484 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Mod-6: POP ends 12/31/14; add Budget & Sow 09:00 Communications 09:00 Mod-2, extend POP end date to 12/31/12 2
3 4 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 2 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 1 09:00 Contract 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Invoices 09:00 NSF Review 5 6 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 7 8 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Contract 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Change Order 3 09:00 Change Order 2 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Change Order 4 9
10 11 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Original Documents 09:00 Mod-4 FY2014 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Change Order 2 09:00 Mod - 2 09:00 NSF Approval - Change Order 2 09:00 Mod-5, FY2015 issued Oct-2014 09:00 Contract 09:00 Mod-3 FY2013 09:00 Mod-6, FY2015 issued Oct-2015 09:00 Mod - 1 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Change Order 3: 10/1/12 thru 1/31/13 12 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Contract 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Correspondence 13 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 RFP Addendum-1 FM-150 09:00 RFP Addendum #3 FM-150 09:00 PO 75ADV-S103519 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 RFP Addendum #2 FM-150 09:00 RFP FM-150 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 14 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Gravitational Waves 2010 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Closeout 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Technical Documentation 15 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 RFQ / RFP 16
17 18 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Procurement Justification 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Closeout 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Document Checklist 19 09:00 NSF Approval for Supplemental Agreement 2 09:00 RFP No. IN-103 LLO De-Install Labor 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 RFP No. IO-104 09:00 Addendum 1 to RFP 09:00 NSF Review - Required 09:00 NSF Davis Bacon Act determination and Mod-2 Review 09:00 Procurement Index 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No.8 09:00 Contract No. 75ADV-1089908 with Apollo 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 5 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 6 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 2 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Contract 75ADV-1089912 EXCEL Contractors Inc dated 1/13/11. 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 7 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No 1 09:00 Contract Work Orders (CWO), Correspondence, Reports 09:00 Procurement Index 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 3 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 2 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 1 09:00 Supplemental Agreement No. 4 09:00 NSF Review - Required 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 3 09:00 Proposal Evaluation 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Supplemental Agreement 4 09:00 Contractor Work Orders (CWO) & Correspondence 20 08:00 General aLIGO Installation Documents 09:00 LLO Installation Documents 09:00 SESAPS Meeting, Oct 20-23 09:00 LHO Installation Documents 09:00 Safety Documents 21 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 22 23
24 25 26 09:00 Closeout 09:00 NSF Review (not required) 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Change Order #2 (CO #2) 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Change Order #1 (CO #1) 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Applies Technical Services Inc PO 75ADV-S103591 09:00 Bid Evaluation 27 09:00 Contract 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Modifications 28 09:00 Original Dox 09:00 Mod 3 09:00 Basic PO Documents 09:00 Mod-8 09:00 Mod 4 09:00 Mod-9 09:00 Mod 1 09:00 Chamber Cleaning 09:00 Mod 1 09:00 Mod 2 09:00 29 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Change Orders & Modifications 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 30

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