Calendar for November 2010

«October 2010

November 2010

December 2010»
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 09:00 Mod - 1 09:00 Contract 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Change Order 5 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Mod - 2 09:00 Contract 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Basic 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Change Order 6 09:00 Proposal 09:00 GRBs 2010 09:00 Change Orders 1-4 09:00 Invoices 2 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Invoices and Packing slips 09:00 Close Out 09:00 Reports and Corrospondence 09:00 Bids & Evaluation 09:00 NSF Approval 09:00 Technical Documents 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 RFQ/RFP 3 09:00 Interdivision PO #75ADV-1088006 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Change Order 2 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Change Order 3 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Change Order 4 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Change Order 5 09:00 NSF Review 4 5 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Invoices and Packing slips 09:00 Close Out 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Reports and Corrospondence 09:00 NSF Approval 09:00 RFQ/RFP 09:00 Midwest Relativity Meeting 09:00 Technical Documents 09:00 Bids & Evaluation 09:00 Change Order 2 6
7 8 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Change Orders 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Change Orders 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Closeout 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 9 09:00 Mod 3 09:00 Basic 09:00 Mod 1 09:00 Mod 2 10 11 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Contract 12 13
14 15 16 17 09:00 Tech 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Invoices and Packing slips 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 NSF Approval 09:00 Reports and Corrospondence 09:00 Close Out 09:00 RFQ/RFP 09:00 Bid Evaluation 18 09:00 Invoices & Packing Slips 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Payments 09:00 NSF Review 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Payments 09:00 Technical Documentation 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Change Order 1 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Reports & Correspondence 09:00 Bid Evaluation 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 RFQ / RFP 09:00 Technical Documentation 19 20
21 22 09:00 Bid Evaluation 23 09:00 Change Order No. 1 dated 2-22-11 09:00 Contract / PO 09:00 Bids & Evaluation 09:00 RFQ/RFP 09:00 NSF Approval 09:00 Close Out 09:00 Reports and Corrospondence 09:00 Technical Documents 09:00 Invoices and Packing slips 24 25 26 27
28 29 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Contract 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Modifications 30  

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