Calendar for June 2022

«May 2022

June 2022

July 2022»
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 08:00 Day 1 Morning Plenary Session 13:00 Day 1 Afternoon Plenary Session 15:45 Day 1 Afternoon Parallel Breakout Session I - LIGO Lab EPO Programs 15:45 Day 1 Afternoon Breakout Session 2 - LSC Related Activities 2 08:00 Day 2 Morning Session 11:15 Day 2 Morning Parallel Breakout Session 1 - LIGO Detector Commissioning/Upgrades 11:15 Day 2 Morning Parallel Breakout Session 3 - LIGO Laboratory Management 11:15 Day 2 Morning Parallel Breakout Session 2 - LIGO/LSC Computing 13:30 Lunch and LIGO Exploration Grand Opening 16:00 Further Breakout Sessions As Requested By the Committee 3 08:00 Panel Executive Session (and Answers to Follow up Questions from Panel if Needed) 10:00 Review Closeout Brief 4
5 6 09:00 GRASS2022 09:00 KIW9 7 8 9 10 11
12 09:00 AAS 240 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 09:00 EAS2022 - Special Session SS14 10:00 student workshop welcome 11:00 LIGO tutorials 13:30 NANOGrav tutorials 14:00 closeout 15:30 ML and LISA tutorials 16:30 GWA outreach opportunities 28 09:00 GW observatories 10:30 GWANW groups 13:30 GWANW groups 15:00 student and fellow talks 16:00 outreach discussion 29 10:45 science talks 30  

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