Calendar for January 2013

«December 2012

January 2013

February 2013»
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 09:00 Step #6 Post Award Administration & Payment Policy 09:00 Step #3 Documentation & Requisition 09:00 Advanced LIGO Reference Docs on Hold 09:00 Step #4 Approvals 09:00 Step #1 Initiate Buy 09:00 Purchasing Process LIGO Ops 2013 09:00 Step #2 Supplier Selection 09:00 Step #5 Award PO 09:00 No Longer Maintained - Purchasing Schedule Tracking Metric for LIGO Ops 2013 09:00 GSA is not authorized 09:00 Step #3 Taxes - LIGO Ops 2 3 4 5
6 09:00 AAS 221 7 09:00 Contract/PO 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Proposals 8 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Proposals 09:00 Contract/PO 09:00 Drawings and Specifications 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Contract 75-1093481 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Iniitiate Procurement 09:00 Invoices 09:00 RFQ 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Purchasing Documents 09:00 Invoices 9 09:00 Procurement Documents 09:00 Contract/PO 09:00 Invoices 09:00 LP-39a Zygo Polish Optics for India 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 RFQ 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Proposals 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Modifications 09:00 Procurement Documents 09:00 Contract/PO 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Contract/PO 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Proposals 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Proposals 17 09:00 Mod-3 FY2015 funding 09:00 Closeout 09:00 Proposal 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Letter of Authorization thru 9/30/14 09:00 Subaward 75-1093568 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Mod-2 Fund 2nd - 4th Qtr. FY2014, incorporate Univ. Service Agreement 09:00 NSF Review & Approval 09:00 Mod-1 Fund 1st Quarter FY2014 09:00 Procurement Documents 09:00 Initiate Procurement included draft subaward 18 19
20 21 22 09:00 Proposals 09:00 Modifications 09:00 RFQ 09:00 Procurement Documents 09:00 Invoices 09:00 Correspondence 09:00 Contract/PO 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31  

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