Calendar for March 2023

«February 2023

March 2023

April 2023»
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 08:45 Google Spreadsheet for Full Schedule 09:00 Optics session 09:00 LVK Meeting - March 2023 09:00 Suspension and Isolation Working Group 09:00 AIC, LAWG, QNWG 14 09:00 Instrument Science & Commissioning 15 09:00 Plenary Session I 11:15 Plenary Session II 13:00 Council Meeting 14:30 Poster session 16 09:00 Plenary Session III 11:15 Plenary Session IV 14:00 Plenary Session V 16:00 Plenary Session VI 17 09:00 Coatings Workshop 18
19 20 21 22 23 09:00 Where Notes Were Kept for this Meeting 09:00 Session 1 - Setting the stage, things we know 12:30 Lunch 14:00 Session 2 - discussions with the group 24 09:00 Session 3 - ASC, conclusions 14:00 session 4 - writing, small discussions 25
26 27 28 29 30 31  

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