2018-03-06 07:50:31 matthew.evans@LIGO.ORG 02/26/2018 - LLO - Modify (N.A.) 03/06/2018 Matthew Evans Modification Description The D1201294 contains a mini-circuits ZFL-500LNB+ which it drives with a -12dB coupler, and then splits to 2 outputs. The ZFL gives 28dB of gain, and the attenuation is normally 15dB, 12 before and 3 after the ZFL. I connected the input directly to the ZFL and used the directional coupler to produce 2 outputs; one with +27dB gain and the other with +15dB. (see https://alog.ligo-la.caltech.edu/aLOG/index.php?callRep=37934 )