from const import * import numpy as np import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys mplParam = {'text.usetex': True} matplotlib.rcParams.update(mplParam) ##################################################### # I'm defining functions here for rotation matrices # ##################################################### def r1(a): '''This returns a rotation by angle of a radians CCW around the x axis ''' return np.array([[1,0,0],[0, np.cos(a), -np.sin(a)],[0, np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]]) def r2(a): '''This returns a rotation by angle of a radians CCW around the y axis ''' return np.array([[np.cos(a),0,-np.sin(a)],[0, 1, 0],[np.sin(a), 0, np.cos(a)]]) def r3(a): '''This returns a rotation by angle of a radians CCW around the z axis ''' return np.array([[np.cos(a),-np.sin(a),0],[np.sin(a), np.cos(a), 0],[0, 0, 1]]) def norm(a): '''This returns the unit vector in the direction of a''' mag = np.linalg.norm(a) if mag == 0: print "Why the heck is |a| = 0?" return 0 return a / mag ######################################################################### def lng(t, t0=0): '''Returns the longitude of the detector in time; t0 is a time where the angle of the detector was in line with that astronomical thing''' return 2 * np.pi * (t - t0) / Td ######################################################################### ############################ Pulsar vectors ############################ ######################################################################### Nhat = np.array([0,0,1]) # This is the northward vector rHat = # Unit vector from Earth to source rHat = np.array([np.cos(dlt) * np.cos(alp), np.cos(dlt) * np.sin(alp), np.sin(dlt)]) E = norm(np.cross(rHat, Nhat)) # Local E NLoc = norm(np.cross(E, rHat)) # Local North wx = norm(np.sin(psi) * NLoc + np.cos(psi) * E) # Rotating by psi wy = norm(np.cos(psi) * NLoc - np.sin(psi) * E) # Rotating by psi wz = -norm(rHat) # Z points toward Earth ######################################################################### def d_detector(t, t0=0): '''This calculates the 3 3-vectors of the detector at time t''' longi= lng(t, t0) dz = np.array([np.cos(lat) * np.cos(longi), np.cos(lat) * np.sin(longi), np.sin(lat)]) E = norm(np.cross(Nhat, dz)) # E is perp. plane of Nhat and dz NLoc = norm(np.cross(dz, E)) dx = norm(-np.sin(beta) * NLoc + np.cos(beta) * E) dy = norm(np.cos(beta) * NLoc + np.sin(beta) * E) dz *= rE return (dx, dy, dz) def APl(t): (dx, dy, dz) = d_detector(t) return ( ** 2 - ** 2 - ** 2 \ + ** 2) / 2 def ACr(t): (dx, dy, dz) = d_detector(t) return ( * ( - ( * ( ######################################################################### numD = 1 sampR= 60 tIn = np.arange(0, numD * Td, sampR) plus = np.zeros(len(tIn)) crss = np.zeros(len(tIn)) for i in range(len(tIn)): plus[i] = APl(tIn[i]) crss[i] = ACr(tIn[i]) ######################################################################### # Basic Lambda; no variation from GR ######################################################################### Lamb = (1 + np.cos(iota) ** 2) / 4 * plus - 1j/2 * np.cos(iota) * crss ######################################################################### # HERE I WILL IMPLEMENT THE DIFFERENCE FROM GR ($c_g \not= c$) ######################################################################### ########## # Roemer # ########## # Vector pointing to the source def n0(alpha, delta): return np.array([np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(delta),\ np.sin(alpha) * np.cos(delta),\ np.sin(delta)]) # Vector pointing to observatory def r(t): e = 2 * np.pi * t / Td return rE * n0(lat, e) # rVec dot nhat; second term is the constant from the annual orbit def rd1(t): nhat = n0(alp, dlt) rvec = r(t) return +[rOrb, 0, 0])) # Using c/c_g = D, calculates the def phi(t, D): # Calculates nu(t) and nu'(t) nuNow = nu + nuD * t + nuDD / 2 * t ** 2 nuDNow = nuD + nuDD * t # Calculates r.n rDotN = rd1(t) # This is the phase which the amplitude would be modulated with v = c/D return phi0 + (rDotN * D / c) * nuNow + (rDotN * D / c) ** 2 * nuDNow / 2 \ + (rDotN * D/ c) ** 3 * nuDD / 6 possibleD = np.array([0.5, 0.99, 1, 1.01, 2]) plotsForD1 = np.zeros((len(possibleD), len(tIn))) plotsForD2 = np.zeros((len(possibleD), len(tIn))) for count, D in enumerate(possibleD): phase = phi(tIn, D) - phi(tIn, 1) plotsForD1[count] = (Lamb * np.exp(1j * 2 * phase)).real plotsForD2[count] = (Lamb * np.exp(1j * 2 * phase)).imag for count, pl in enumerate(plotsForD1): plt.plot(tIn, pl.real, label='$\Delta$ = %.2f' % possibleD[count]) plt.title("Antenna pattern over %.1f days; variations from GR (%s, %s)" % (numD, detName, pulsName), fontsize=15) plt.xlabel("$t$ $(s)$") plt.ylabel('$\Lambda(t)$', fontsize=15) plt.grid(True) plt.ylim([-1,1]) plt.legend() ###################### plt.plot(tIn, plotsForD1[2].real, 'o') plt.plot(tIn, plotsForD2[2].real, 'o') plt.plot(tIn, Lamb.real, 'b', label='Real part') plt.plot(tIn, Lamb.imag, 'g', label='Imaginary part') plt.plot(tIn, np.abs(Lamb), 'r--', label='Magnitude') plt.title("Antenna pattern over %.1f days (%s, %s)" % (numD, detName, pulsName), fontsize=15) plt.xlabel("$t$ $(s)$") plt.ylabel('$\Lambda(t)$', fontsize=15) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.ylim([-1, 1]) ######################################################################### ''' # This is just for checking once everything is done lamb2 = np.fft.fft(Lamb) plt.title("Fourier transform of Lambda") plt.xlabel("f (Hz)") plt.plot(tIn / (sampR * numD * Td), lamb2.real) plt.plot(tIn / (sampR * numD * Td), lamb2.imag) '''