# Data release for "Properties of the binary neutron star merger GW170817" DCC document https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-P1800061/public The IPython notebook `Data Release Tutorial.ipynb` provides example code to read and plot the data files listed below. ## GW170817_PSDs.dat Values of the LIGO_Hanford, LIGO_Livingston and Virgo PSDs (1/Hz) as a function of frequency (Hz) corresponding to figure 1 of the paper. See the section "PSDs" of `Data Release Tutorial.ipynb` for an example plot. ## high_spin_PhenomPNRT_posterior_samples.dat.gz and low_spin_PhenomPNRT_posterior_samples.dat.gz Posterior samples for the PhenomPNRT approximant (see paper for details). See the section "Posterior samples" of `Data Release Tutorial.ipynb` for an example on how to read and plot those files. Those posterior samples are used in Table II and figures 4 to 12. ## figure_3.tar.gz Data for figure 3, including a README.md file. See the section "Sky Localization" of `Data Release Tutorial.ipynb` for an example how to read and plot this data. Note that this depends on `healpy` for which the standard `pip install` may be temporarily broken on some systems. ## figure_4.tar.gz Data for figure 4, including a README.md file. See the section "Distance and Inclination" of `Data Release Tutorial.ipynb` for an example how to read and plot this data. ## Other figures Work is in progress to extend the examples provided here to the other figures of the paper.