GWTC-1: O1O2 CBC-Catalog paper Fig 11

pycbc and gstlal search results, bg and sg models.

This python notebook serves to document the contents of the data files and plot them.

LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration, November 2018

In [1]:
# standard imports
import numpy
import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
# matplotlib parameters for plotting
rc_params = {'backend': 'pdf',
             'axes.labelsize': 24,
             'axes.titlesize': 24,
             'font.size': 24,
             'legend.fontsize': 24,
             'xtick.labelsize': 24,
             'ytick.labelsize': 24,
             '': 'serif',
             'font.sans-serif': ['Bitstream Vera Sans'],
             'font.serif': ['Times New Roman'],

#column_width = 246.0
#inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27
#fig_width = column_width * inches_per_pt
#rc_params['figure.figsize'] = (fig_width, fig_width/1.6)
In [3]:
# read in pycbc files with data for plotting
pycbc_fg = np.loadtxt('pycbc_fg_model.txt').T
pycbc_bg = np.loadtxt('pycbc_bg_model.txt').T
pycbc_ev = np.loadtxt('pycbc_candidates.txt').T

# Unpack the data for plotting. 
# This block serves to document the columns in the data files
# The terrestrial background model distribution:
ts_bg_cent = pycbc_bg[0]
lower1_Lbg = pycbc_bg[1]
higher1_Lbg = pycbc_bg[2]
lower2_Lbg = pycbc_bg[3]
higher2_Lbg = pycbc_bg[4]

# The foreground signal model distribution:
ts_fg_cent  = pycbc_fg[0]
nbg         = pycbc_fg[1]
nfg         = pycbc_fg[2]
lower1_Lfg  = pycbc_fg[3]
higher1_Lfg = pycbc_fg[4]
lower2_Lfg  = pycbc_fg[5]
higher2_Lfg = pycbc_fg[6]

# and their sum:
lower1_both  = pycbc_fg[7]
higher1_both = pycbc_fg[8]
lower2_both  = pycbc_fg[9]
higher2_both = pycbc_fg[10]

# and the search results:
cumnum = pycbc_ev[0]
pltcoincs = pycbc_ev[1]

event_names = ['GW150914', 'GW170814', 'GW170608', 'GW151226', 'GW170104', 'GW170809', 'GW170823', 'GW151012', 'GW170729']
In [4]:
# For PyCBC:
# plot the cum events vs detection statistic threshold:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12.0, 10.0))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, rasterized=True)

# plot background, foreground (signal) and bg+fg models
# color-blind friendly colors
ax.semilogy(ts_fg_cent, nbg, color = '#56B4E9', linewidth = 1.5, label = 'Noise Model')
ax.semilogy(ts_fg_cent, nfg, color = '#E69F00', linewidth = 1.5, label = 'Signal Model')
ax.semilogy(ts_fg_cent, nfg + nbg, color = '#009E73', linewidth = 1.5, label = 'Noise + Signal Model')
# plot statistical uncertainties on these models
ax.fill_between(ts_bg_cent, lower1_Lbg, higher1_Lbg, color = '#56B4E9', alpha = 0.35)
ax.fill_between(ts_bg_cent, lower2_Lbg, higher2_Lbg, color = '#56B4E9', alpha = 0.2)
ax.fill_between(ts_fg_cent, lower1_Lfg, higher1_Lfg, color = '#E69F00', alpha = 0.35)
ax.fill_between(ts_fg_cent, lower2_Lfg, higher2_Lfg, color = '#E69F00', alpha = 0.2)
ax.fill_between(ts_fg_cent, lower1_both, higher1_both, color = '#009E73', alpha = 0.35)
ax.fill_between(ts_fg_cent, lower2_both, higher2_both, color = '#009E73', alpha = 0.2)

# plot the data, and scatterplot of the loudest events:
ax.step(pltcoincs, cumnum, linewidth = 2, where='post', color='black')
plt.scatter(pltcoincs[:9], cumnum[:9], color = 'black', marker = 'D', s = 50, label = 'Observed Counts')

# annotate the loudest events
event_x = pltcoincs[:9]
event_y = cumnum[:9]
event_xt = event_x.copy()
event_yt = event_y * 1.3**(np.arange(9)+1)
event_xt[1] = event_x[1]+0.2 
event_yt[1] = event_y[1]*1.07
arrowp = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=.1, headwidth=2.5)
for i, txt in enumerate(event_names):
    ax.annotate(txt, xy = (event_x[i],event_y[i]), xytext = (event_xt[i],event_yt[i]), arrowprops = arrowp, fontsize=24)

# plot parameters
plt.ylabel(r'Number of Events Above Threshold',fontsize=32)
plt.xlabel(r'$\varrho$ Ranking Statistic Threshold',fontsize=32)
plt.ylim(1e-1, 1e3)
plt.xlim(8., 17.)
#plt.ylim(1e-1, 1e2)
#plt.xlim(8., 9.)
plt.legend(loc = 'best',fontsize=24)
plt.xticks(size = 24)
plt.yticks(size = 24)

# save and display the plot:
In [5]:
# read in gstlal files with data for plotting
gstlal_logL_sg = np.loadtxt('gstlal_logL_sg.txt').T

# Unpack the data for plotting. 
# This block serves to document the columns in the data files
# The terrestrial background model distribution:
logL = gstlal_logL_sg[0]
logL_bins = gstlal_logL_sg[3]
noise_model = gstlal_logL_sg[1]
noise_model_lower_limit_1 = gstlal_logL_sg[4]
noise_model_upper_limit_1 = gstlal_logL_sg[5]
noise_model_lower_limit_2 = gstlal_logL_sg[6]
noise_model_upper_limit_2 = gstlal_logL_sg[7]

# The foreground signal model distribution:
signal_model_median = gstlal_logL_sg[2]
signal_model_lower_limit_1 = gstlal_logL_sg[8]
signal_model_upper_limit_1 = gstlal_logL_sg[9]
signal_model_lower_limit_2 = gstlal_logL_sg[10]
signal_model_upper_limit_2 = gstlal_logL_sg[11]

# and their sum:
signal_noise_model_lower_limit_1 = gstlal_logL_sg[12]
signal_noise_model_upper_limit_1 = gstlal_logL_sg[13]
signal_noise_model_lower_limit_2 = gstlal_logL_sg[14]
signal_noise_model_upper_limit_2 = gstlal_logL_sg[15]

# and the search results:
candidates = np.loadtxt('gstlal_candidates.txt').T
bg_candidates = np.loadtxt('gstlal_bg_candidates.txt').T
bg_cumnum = numpy.arange(1,len(bg_candidates)+1)[::-1]
cumnum = numpy.arange(1,len(candidates)+1)[::-1]

event_names = ['GW170817','GW150914','GW170814','GW170608','GW151226','GW170809','GW170823','GW170104','GW170818','GW151012','GW170729']
In [6]:
# For gstlal, LogL
# plot the cum events vs detection statistic threshold:
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12.0, 10.0))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, rasterized=True)

# plot background, foreground (signal) and bg+fg models
# color-blind friendly colors
ax.semilogy(logL, noise_model, color = '#56B4E9', linewidth = 1.5, label = 'Noise Model')
ax.semilogy(logL, signal_model_median, color = '#E69F00', linewidth = 1.5, label = 'Signal Model')
ax.semilogy(logL, signal_model_median + noise_model, color = '#009E73', linewidth = 1.5, label = 'Noise + Signal Model')
# plot statistical uncertainties on these models
ax.fill_between(logL_bins, noise_model_lower_limit_1, noise_model_upper_limit_1, color = '#56B4E9', alpha = 0.35)
ax.fill_between(logL_bins, noise_model_lower_limit_2, noise_model_upper_limit_2, color = '#56B4E9', alpha = 0.2)
ax.fill_between(logL_bins, signal_model_lower_limit_1, signal_model_upper_limit_1, color = '#E69F00', alpha = 0.35)
ax.fill_between(logL_bins, signal_model_lower_limit_2, signal_model_upper_limit_2, color = '#E69F00', alpha = 0.2)
ax.fill_between(logL, signal_noise_model_lower_limit_1, signal_noise_model_upper_limit_1, color = '#009E73', alpha = 0.35)
ax.fill_between(logL, signal_noise_model_lower_limit_2, signal_noise_model_upper_limit_2, color = '#009E73', alpha = 0.2)

# plot the data, and scatterplot of the loudest events:
ax.step(candidates, cumnum, linewidth = 2, color='black')
ax.scatter(candidates[-11:], cumnum[-11:], color = 'black', marker = 'D', s = 50, label = 'Observed Counts')
ax.semilogy(bg_candidates, bg_cumnum, label = 'Observed Time-shifted Counts', linestyle = '--', color = 'black', linewidth = 1.5)

# annotate the loudest events
event_x =  candidates[-1:-12:-1]
event_y = numpy.arange(1,12)
event_yt = event_y * 1.3**np.arange(1,12)
arrowp = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05, width=.1, headwidth=2.5)
for i, txt in enumerate(event_names):
    ax.annotate(txt, xy = (event_x[i],event_y[i]), xytext = (event_x[i],event_yt[i]), arrowprops = arrowp, fontsize=24)

# plot parameters
plt.xlabel(r'$\ln \mathcal{L}$ Ranking Statistic Threshold',fontsize=32)
plt.ylabel('Number of Events Above Threshold',fontsize=32)
plt.ylim(1e-1, 1e3)
#plt.ylim(1e-2, 1e2)
plt.legend(loc = 'best',fontsize=24)
plt.xticks(size = 24)
plt.yticks(size = 24)


# save and display the plot: