LIGO Document C1203960-v4

PCAL Periscope Frame SOW

Document #:
Document type:
C - Contractual or procurement
Other Versions:
13 Sep 2012, 13:11
25 Jul 2012, 09:36
23 Jul 2012, 09:52
Statement of Work for the procurement of the PCAL Periscope Frame.
Notes and Changes:
Section 5.0: All drawings revised per DCN E1200700.

Section 5.0: Quantity of D1200993-2 reduced from 4 to 3.

Section 8.1: Deleted requirement to have large and small crates (because all parts will go to LHO instead of the large parts going to Astro Pak). Added "Crating and shipping charges will be handled separately from this SOW and subsequent PO".

Section 8.2 Changed to FOB vendor's site. Deleted Astro Pak address.

Section 8.3 Explicitly stated " LIGO requests that manufacturing of subsequent assemblies not start until after the successful fit check and acceptance of the first assembly".

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