LIGO Document C940056-v1

Geotechnical Investigation of the LIGO Site, Livingston, Louisiana

Document #:
Document type:
C - Contractual or procurement
Other Versions:
22 Jan 2010, 21:37
Geotechnical Investigation of the LIGO Site, Livingston, Louisiana completed by Woodward-Clyde (13-Feb-1995)
Notes and Changes:
1) the authors are Robert SeGall and Ara Arman of Woodward-Clyde
2) version -v1 is identical to version -A
3) The following E-sized drawings are included as separate scanned files:
Figure A-2 of appendix A, "Boring Location Diagram"
Figure D-1 of appendix D, Geologic Cross-Sections SW-2
Figure D-2 of appendix D, Geologic Cross-Sections SW-1
Figure D-3 of appendix D, Geologic Cross-Sections SE-1
Figure D-4 of appendix D, Geologic Cross-Sections SE-2
4) The bore hole location designations (on the upper right corner of the pages in appendix A, in the section entitled "Logs of Borings and CPTS") are in many cases not legible on the scanned images. On the original pages these designations are more legible, but in some cases also clipped and not fully legible.

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