[the following is an email exchange with a machine shop (A. Stein):
Sent: July 8, 2010 10:37 AM
As much as possible, I'd prefer to see all of the tapped holes given a 120deg countersink, whether they are used for Heli-Coil inserts or are just H11-oversized threads. The .46" diameter is intentionally bigger than we need, to guarantee there won't be any burrs from the lip of the threads that could interfere with the flat-on-flat contact we are trying to achieve within the bolted assemblies. If these dimensions make the machining much more difficult than it would be if there were smaller countersinks, then we could consider changing them. In general, though, I'd prefer to keep to the .46"-dia x 120deg c'sink, as given on the print.
Sent: July 7, 2010 3:20 PM
To: Andy Stein
Subject: D0902282-V1
Howdy Andy,
Part # D0902282-V1 has 120 deg chamfers on the 3/8-16 tap holes. According to the print these are not Helicoil tapped, they are H11 tapped. Is 120 deg chamfer .46 diameter needed or can we go 90 deg with a smaller diameter (.415 ish)?//]
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