LIGO Document D1200719-v7

High Stability Low Noise Laser Current Driver PCB

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
31 Oct 2016, 16:43
13 Oct 2016, 14:23
11 May 2012, 16:09
A printed circuit board and associated schematic for a low noise laboratory quality current source to be used with commercial laser diodes in critical applications
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Notes and Changes:
This revision makes the following modifications:
1. Added a protection circuit that limits the output voltage of the driver to the laser diode to 4 V.
2. Changed U9 to LT1128, which lowers the sensing noise for the current set point of the slow path.
3. Changes the topology of the slow bias path to use only a single power N-channel MOSFET for the bias current. This was to prevent the observed bias-dependent cross-ver between the two feedback routes in the slow path, which caused a noise bump at the cross-over frequency.
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