LIGO Document D1201033-v3
- This part was designed by Cheryl Vorvick and Tyler Guidry, to hold 4" silicon wafers placed in the Ligo vacuum system to collect particulates for contamination analysis.
- D1201033-v3.pdf (D1201033-v3 100mm wafer in-vacuum witness plate fixtur...pdf, 59.2 kB)
- This version has only one channel cut on the bottom surface, which allows the fixture to sit flat along the channel edge on one side, and adapt to any curvature or deformation of the beam tube on the other side (3 point contact).
I made the change after realizing that two parallel channels created a situation where it would be possible for the fixture to rock back and forth, if there are deformations in the curved surface where the fixture is installed (sitting inside the beam tube or inside a door).
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