LIGO Document E1200797-v5

aLIGO IAS Alignment Solutions

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
24 Apr 2013, 20:23
27 Mar 2013, 17:09
13 Sep 2012, 15:10
This is primarily an index entry in the DCC to collect links to initial alignment solutions. The provided links are to notebooks which calculate/provide the positions and orientations of the IAS theodolite-total-station/autocolimator for initial alignment and positioning of the primary optics. They also calculate/provide the pitch angles of the COC relative to the local horizontal. The alignment solutions (angles, positions/distances) caluclated in this notebook are to be inserted into each of the IAS alignment procedures.
Since there is one common Mathematica notebook used to calculate these alignment solutions, it is filed under this DCC entry. Occasionally specific variants are filed under the subsidiary DCC numbers, but the intent is to keep the most up-to-date version filed under this DCC entry.
Notes and Changes:
1) Changed the L1 optic positions and orientations to be consistent with the optical layout calculated in the Mathematica notebook entitled "aLIGO recycling cavities optical layout v1.nb", which is also filed here. This notebook uses as-built/assigned optic parameters. Comparison is also made to the IO and Zemax layouts and shown to be quite close.
2/12/2013: N.B.: I've improved upon this calculation and filed it as a separate DCC document, E1300128-v1. There are some small differences from the L1 results in the file referred to above.
2) Added the in-chamber alignment solutions for LBSC2.

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