LIGO Document E1201101-x0

DCN for End Station ISC Electronics Layout Changes

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
D1100670-v7: End Station ISC Electronics Wiring: Changing revisions from version 6 to version 7. Details below.
D1001423-v13: End station field rack: Changing revisions from version 11 to version 13. Details below.
D1001459-v9: End station remote rack: Added PEM. Removed some empty slots to give more expansion space.
E1100591-v5: RF Signal Distribution: Removed WFS siganls in end station; added PLL beat note in end station.
T1100472-v6: ADC/DAC channel Assignment: Added DC PD channels for fiber powers.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
All hardware associated with WFS are removed including
The patch panel.
2 demodulators.
ASC demodulator concentrator.
2 whitening chassis.
Legacy WFS PD interface.
Wave Front Sensors.

All associated cables that go to the Beckhoff, AA chassis and the 384 channel binary IO are removed.

The legacy PD concentrator box is removed.

The iLIGO LSC PD Interface stays but is no longer connected to any concentrator.

Added a D1201470 patch panel for the ALS PFD and demodulator.

Added an RF preamplifier, D1201294, with the input fed from the ALS BBPD through the patch panel. The direct output is then connected to the PFD RF input.
The second amplified output is connected to the RF patch panel and sent back to remote rack, where it is cabled to the timing comparator/frequency counter, D1001370 on input 12.

RF patch panels were numbered 25 and 23, now numbered as 28 and 26 for EY and 24 and 22 for EX.

A 6th cable was added to the patch panel symbol and connected to the 2nd output of the ALS VCO. The other end of it is connected to the timing comparator/frequency counter using input 13.

Added 3 photodiodes on the ALS optics table SM1 PD1A.

A new "Auxiliary Signals Concentrator 5" symbol has been added.

The Beckhoff chassis End 2 has been revised, D1100682-v2.
Port C: Hartmann wavefront sensor (new, TCS)
Slot 3: blank (removed legacy PD interface)
Slot 8: TCS (updated pinout)
Slot 10: DC Photodiodes have updated pinouts
Cables 17,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,75,and 84 are removed.

Chassis are renumbered sequentially.

Changes compared to version 11:
- Removed WFS electronics.
- Removed ISCT mini rack (on separate drawing now).
- Added RF preamplifier for PLL beat note.
- Added auxiliary signals concentrator 5 for additional PDs (fiber powers).
- Moved shutter controller to ISC table.
- Replaced demodulator patch panel with D1201470.
- Added RF patch panel numbers for EY.
- Re-slotted some chassis.

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