LIGO Document G0900505-v1

Gravitational Wave Bursts from Vortex Avalanches in Pulsar Glitches

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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We estimate the burst gravitational wave signal from a glitching
pulsar. The glitches are modelled as a nonaxisymmetric rearrangement
of pinned superfluid vortices in the inner crust of the star,
resulting in the reorganization of the superfluid velocity field, a
time-varying current quadrupole moment, and hence a gravitational wave
signal. ?We present two alternative models for the collective motion
of vortices during a glitch: an avalanche process, in which stress
reservoirs relax via a domino effect (like tectonic plates), and a
coherent noise process, in which vortices respond stochastically to a
global stimulus. ?We calculate the amplitude, polarization, and
frequency content of the burst signal from a single glitch, and
cross-correlate the waveform with standard templates in burst
pipelines. ?We also set out the conditions for the signal to be
detectable by Advanced LIGO. ?For both the avalanche and coherent
noise processes the glitch sizes are observed to follow a power law
with an index that varies between pulsars, and the waiting times
between successive glitches have a Poissonian distribution, as
observed in radio timing data. Based on these statistical
distributions, we estimate the combined stochastic gravitational wave
signal emanating from a realistically distributed pulsar population in
a Milky-Way-type galaxy
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