Anand Sengupta, on behalf of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration
We present an overview of the many different searches for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences currently being pursued by the LIGO and Virgo Collaborations, using data from the LIGO S5 and Virgo VSR1 runs, and the upcoming S6 / VSR2 run. These include all-sky all-time searches for low mass binaries (up to 35 Msun) using stationary-phase approximation inspiral templates, high mass binaries (up to 100 Msun or higher) using time-domain inspiral-merger-ringdown waveform templates, and perturbed massive black holes (up to 600 Msun) using ringdown templates; and externally-triggered searches from, eg, GRB progenitors. We also describe the tools under development for: follow-up procedures for detection confidence; very-low-latency searches to enable rapid sky localization and follow-up using optical telescopes; rapid characterization of the detector quality and calibration; improved methods for distinguishing signals from the background; and precise parameter estimation for detected events.
Note to organizers: This is an overview talk. It can be reduced or otherwise tailored to focus on any subset that is of the most interest and for which we have not submitted a specific talk, including: S4 and/or S5 ringdown searches; follow-up of detection candidates; S6 readiness... We welcome your suggestions!
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