LIGO Document G1500539-v3

You can look but you can't touch - slides prepared for SYS meeting 22nd April 2015

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Other Versions:
You can look but you can't touch - slides prepared for SYS meeting 22nd April 2015
Notes and Changes:
v3 Added diagrams to graphs to clarify where measurements were taken.

v2 includes updated slides presented at sys talk and only FP at LHO-2.wmv
movie for other movie see v1.

v1 draft slides for KG to add content.
v1 includes short movie of FP technique, FP at LHO-2.wmv

v1 also includes movie FP at LHO-1.wmv which shows typical technique used in experiment. Some key points are
i) 0s optics moved together
ii) 1m 50 charge applied
iii) 2m 35s discharge with fp
iv) 5m clean up
v) 10m 10s optics moved aprt

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