LIGO Document G1501204-x0

Bringing LIGO Outreach into the Formal Education Setting

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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The LIGO Science Education Center (SEC) in Livingston, Louisiana and the larger, nationwide LIGO Scientific Collaboration have been active in developing outreach to bring the basic science concepts underlying the complex field of gravitational waves to the public. Besides our extensive experience with student field trips and school visits, the LIGO SEC makes targeted efforts to train K-12 teachers through presenting professional development on how to make inexpensive versions of the museum-grade exhibits housed at the center in order to bring that science into their classrooms. Further, our outreach also reaches into the undergraduate curriculum by presenting to students, having those students participate in outreach delivery, and training STEM and education majors from Southern University, a HBCU, to serve as docents in the SEC. This talk will summarize the migration of public outreach into formal education setting at all levels.
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Notes and Changes:
To be presented at the AAPT Winter Meeting 2016 in New Orleans.
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