LIGO Document G1600165-v1

Next Generation STEM preparation through LIGO science education at Southern University

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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This talk focuses on our ten‐year local partnership with the LIGO Science Education Center (SEC) in science education through in‐service and pre‐service programs that primarily impact K‐16 teacher preparation. Principal on‐campus components of our science educational outreach effort include the SUBR‐LIGO Inquiry Laboratory and the LIGO Docent Training Program. Both support teacher pre‐service and in‐service activities by introducing classical LIGO science concepts to a broad spectrum of undergraduate majors, practicing teachers, and the public through the use of interactive exhibits and in doing so enhance science literacy throughout the region. Further, the Inquiry laboratory and Docent Training Program serve as a source for graduate student projects for the university’s doctoral program in Science and Mathematics Education (SMED). Details of the partnership, a summary of recent outcomes, and future plans are presented.
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