LIGO Document G1801949-v1

H1 Calibrated Sensitivity Spectra Jun 10 2017 (Representative Best of O2 -- C02, No Subtraction)

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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These are calibrated strain and displacement spectra from a representative best of O2, taken on Jun 10 2017, when the luminosity range for 1.4-1.4, 10-10, and 30-30 [M_sol] binary systems was 60.23 299 739.7 [Mpc].

Further, these spectra are in the process of being reviewed and should be considered preliminary and are subject to change in future versions.

This data is from that regenerated offline to account for data dropouts and has been compensated for time-dependence in the detector response ("C02," DCS frames in LIGO jargon). We expect the uncertainty in calibration at this time 5% and 3 deg [deg], valid between 10 and 2000 [Hz] (the uncertainty is larger and unquantified outside this band). See P1600139 for more details on the estimated uncertainty.

This data has no offline, auxiliary sensor subtraction performed on it.

For details on how the ASD was calculated, see T1500365.
The code that produced this plot is

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