LIGO Document M1300500-v1

Temporary SOP for LLO Arm Length Stabilization Assembly

Document #:
Document type:
M - Management or Policy
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This document is the Standard Operating Procedure governing the operation of the ISC Arm Length Stabilization laser at LLO during the initial setup in the LVEA North. This SOP is designed to ensure the safety of all personnel and equipment in and around the experiment while it is operating. Its role falls within the overall laser safety plan is described in LIGO-M960001, LIGO Laser Safety Plan.

The Arm Length Stabilization Assembly area is use to assemble the ISCTEX (ISCTB4L) and ISCTEY (ISCTB5R) laser tables (figure 1), which are to be installed in the respective VEA in the end-stations. The 8ft x 4ft ISCTEX/EY optical tables have a standard aluminum enclosure with HEPA filter, and two access doors. On the optics tables, within the enclosures is an InnoLight Prometheus laser, which emits 1W at 1064nm and 50mW at 532nm.

LLO ALS ISC Prometheus
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