LIGO Document P080071-x0

Thermo-optic noise in coated mirrors for high-precision optical measurements

Document #:
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P - Publications
Thermal fluctuations in the coatings used to make high reflectors are becoming significant noise sources in precision optical measurements and are particularly relevant to advanced gravitational-wave detectors. There are two recognized sources of coating thermal noise; mechanical loss and thermal dissipation. Thermal dissipation causes thermal fluctuations in the coating which produce noise via the thermoelastic and thermorefractive mechanisms. We treat these mechanisms coherently, give a correction for finite coating thickness, and evaluate the implications for Advanced LIGO.
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Notes and Changes:

Rev P080071-01-Z:
- Full document number: LIGO-P080071-01-Z
- Author(s): Matt Evans; Stefan Ballmer; M. M. Fejer; Peter Fritschel; Gregg Harry; Greg Ogin
- Document date: 2008-07-28
- Document received date: 2008-07-28
- Document entry date: 2008-07-28

Rev P080071-00-Z:
- Full document number: LIGO-P080071-00-Z
- Author(s): Matt Evans; Stefan Ballmer; M. M. Fejer; Peter Fritschel; Gregg Harry; Greg Ogin
- Document date: 2008-06-30
- Document received date: 2008-06-30
- Document entry date: 2008-06-30
Journal References:
Published in Phys Rev D vol. 78 pg. 102003 (10pp).

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