LIGO Document P0900049-v2

A powerful veto for gravitational wave searches using data from Virgo's first scientific run

Document #:
Document type:
P - Publications
Other Versions:
The use of vetoes generated from auxiliary channels suppresses most of the
high amplitude noise triggers that impair gravitational wave (GW) burst and binary
inspiral searches. During Virgo's rst scienti c run (VSR1), many of the remaining
loud burst and inspiral Virgo triggers were observed with nearly equal signi cance in
both the in-phase (ACp) and quadrature (ACq) interferometer output channels, while
we expect the ACq channel to be insensitive to a GW signal. We describe a veto based
on the ratio of the amplitude of the ACp and ACq signals. From studying hardware
signal injections, we demonstrate that the ratio of the amplitude of coincident ACp
and ACq triggers can be safely used to de ne a veto; we show its efficiency for the
burst and binary inspiral analyses of the VRS1 data.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
This version includes comments received from LSC (Gaby Gonzales) and Virgo (Matteo Barsuglia) internal reviewers.
The title has been slighly modified
Associated with Events:
GWDAW 13 held from 19 Jan 2009 to 22 Jan 2009 in San Juan, Puerto Rico

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