LIGO Document P2000158-v4

GW190521 parameter estimation samples and figure data

Document #:
Document type:
P - Publications
Other Versions:
As an accompaniment to "GW190521: A Binary Black Hole Merger with a Total Mass of 150 Msun" (discovery paper) and "Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 Msun binary black hole merger GW190521" (implications paper), this page contains the associated data release:
  • 'GW190521_posterior_samples.h5' - an hdf5 file containing:
    • posterior (and prior) samples detailing the inference on the compact binary coalescence observations presented in the above publications, including three parameterized waveform models (NRSur7dq4, IMRPhenomPv3HM, SEOBNRv4PHM);
    • estimated power spectral densities (PSDs) of the H1, L1 and V1 detector noise around this event;
    • calibration uncertainty envelopes around this event;
    • the configuration file associated with the LALInference parameter estimation runs.
  • 'GW190521_posterior_samples.ipynb' - a python notebook and associated html file which documents the content of the sample release, together with examples of how to access and create plots of the sample release content.
  • 'GW190521_Figures.ipynb' and html - a python notebook and associated html file which produces all the figures in the GW190521 paper (except Figure 1 of the discovery paper and Figures 11 and 12 of the implications paper; see below).
  • 'GW190521_discovery_Fig1.tgz' - tarball containing all the files needed to make Figure 1 of the GW190521 discovery paper.
  • 'GW190521_discovery_figs_pdf.tgz' - tarball containing all the figures from the GW190521 discovery paper.
  • 'GW190521_studies_posterior_samples.h5' - an hdf5 file containing posterior samples from parameter estimation runs for specialized studies (used by GW190521_Implications_Figures.ipynb).
  • 'GW190521_Implications_Hierarchical_Figures.ipynb' and html - a python notebook and associated html file which produces Figures 11 and 12 in the GW190521 implications paper.
  • 'GW190521_Implications_figure_data.tgz' - tarball containing all the additional data needed to make the figures in the GW190521 implications paper, including skymaps fits files.
  • 'GW190521_Implications_Figures_pdf.tgz' - tarball containing all the figures in the GW190521 implications paper, in pdf.
  • 'GW190521_Ringdown_samples.tgz' - tarball containing nine more h5 files with posterior samples for the ringdown analysis described in P2000020 Black hole ringdown section and Figure 5, and P2000021 section 3.2 and Figure 9.
  • 'GW190521_md5sums.txt' - containing md5sums for each of the h5 files.
  • Strain data around this event are available at the GW Open Science Center (GWOSC), at
  • Skymaps are also available at
Author Groups:
Notes and Changes:
Updated 8/23/20, ready for review.

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