LIGO Document T1200372-v1

FPGA Programming Guide

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T - Technical notes
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This document provides step-by-step instructions for programming the Flash PROM found on Advanced LIGO timing devices. The aLIGO Timing System relies on modular devices, each of which contains a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and programmable read-only memory (Flash PROM). The FPGA’s configuration is initialized on startup according to the data stored on the Flash PROM. If this data is nonexistent or out of date (e.g. the FPGA code has been updated, the device is blank from the factory, etc.), the Flash PROM must be programmed for the device to work. This is accomplished through the JTAG interface present on every Timing Master Rear Panel and Timing Slave Board. The most efficient programming method, described here, makes use of Xilinx iMPACT software and the Digilent XUP USB-JTAG Programming Adapter. Procurement and installation of these tools is described in Appendix I. Alternate JTAG cables are discussed in Appendix II. Xilinx iMPACT configuration files are discussed in Appendix III. An alternate programming method relying on Altium Designer and the Altium USB-JTAG Adapter is outlined in Appendix IV
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