LIGO Document T1400713-v2

Test Mass Discharging System (TMDS): Design Document

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
25 Apr 2018, 14:06
The purpose of this document is to present a production (revised) design of the test mass discharging system.
As of this release of the Test Mass Discharging System design document, not all design has been completed, and not all quotes have been received for parts. This preliminary version of the document will be updated into a final design, and then as-built design update version, as the effort proceeds. However a sufficient amount of design information & cost estimation has been resolved to enable:
• technical review of the design,
• budget/account authorization via the ACR process, and
• procurement (for parts which are finalized)
Notes and Changes:
Released for design review.

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