LIGO Document T1700133-v1

Circuit Details for Squeezer RFPDs

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Two aLIGO LSC style RFPDs are being prepared for use in the Squeezing upgrade. The CLF operating frequency is 6.25MHz, and the OPO operating frequency is 80MHz. This note captures the basic operating characteristics of each new design.
Files in Document:
  • PDF Version (SqueezerRFPDs_v1.pdf, file is not accessible)
Other Files:
  • Word Version (SqueezerRFPD_v1.docx, file is not accessible)
Notes and Changes:
It should be noted that the results for the 80MHz RFPD were calculated based on an InGaAs photodiode, whereas the actual diode used will be a silicon photodiode (Excelitas FFD-100H) having different impedance characteristics at 80MHz. The differences in response will likely be small.
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