LIGO Document T1700149-v6

ITM characteristic summary

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
17 Nov 2022, 11:19
02 Nov 2018, 11:11
12 Jun 2018, 07:45
For purpose of discussion
Since replacement of ITM03 due to excess absorption, all spare ITMs have been scanned using a "gentle absorption" technique. There were no permanent absorbers found.
LIGO Test Data are located as follows:
ITM01 E1000764
ITM05 E1000768
ITM06 E1000769 - Ears already bonded
ITM07 E1000770 - installed at H1x
ITM09 E1000772
ITM10 E1000773

LMA final report
ITM01 C1103254
ITM05 C1103259
ITM06 C1103260 - Ears already bonded
ITM07 C1103261 - installed at H1x
ITM09 C1103263
ITM10 C1103264

We want to match the optic at H1-y
ITM11 E1000774

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Notes and Changes:
-v6 updates the location of the ITMs to reflect installation at LHO-X of ITM07
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