LIGO Document T1900442-v1

Recording from OpenLVEM telecon on July 18, 2019

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Recording of OpenLVEM call. (The first 5 minutes or so are mostly silent as we waited for people to join.)
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
15:06:44 From Lijing Shao :
15:18:14 From David Sand : JRPC?? Sorry don’t know the acronym.
15:18:29 From Patrick Brady : LIGO-Virgo Joint Run Planning COmmittee
15:18:29 From Peter Shawhan : Joint Run Planning Committee
15:18:49 From David Sand : Thank you
15:21:33 From Mansi Kasliwal : when will the observing scenarios paper be updated?
15:21:44 From Peter Shawhan : Besides the presentation today, this view of the O3/O4/O5 run plan is also now updated on
15:32:52 From Peter Shawhan : For S190701ah, Virgo has an SNR more similar to the LIGO SNRs than typical
15:36:10 From Aniello Grado : hard to understand
15:37:20 From Shreya Anand : Hi Shaon, nice presentation. A follow-up question from Mansi’s. How difficult is it to provide an uncertainty on the FAR estimate? Also, is there a consensus on whether EM Bright is more or less reliable than P_astro?
15:37:26 From Phil Evans : So essentially: the probability of getting some form of non-astrophysical glitch in all 3 instruments (and hence small sky localisation) within a time-window constant with light-travel time is not actually that small, right?
15:41:32 From Shreya Anand : Yes, thank you Patrick.
15:42:01 From Phil Evans : Should have been consistent?
15:45:23 From Matthew Strait : Could you comment on alert latency for the last two events? They were back up over 15 minutes as compared to the previous 4-7 minutes.
15:46:40 From Matthew Strait : Thank you.
15:47:50 From Peter Shawhan : yes, z
15:48:03 From Peter Shawhan : like zebra :)
15:52:24 From David Sand : thank you
15:52:25 From Aniello Grado : thank you
15:52:25 From Nls38PM616QVSwF7cCFylyI4Udpb9HS8MndV49deIAo= : Thanks, bye
15:52:25 From kmooley : thanks
15:52:27 From Keita Kawabe : thank you all!
15:52:35 From Igor Andreoni : thanks bye

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