Student Workshop Welcome and GWA Overview

Date & Time: 26 Jun 2023 at 10:00
Location: LExC Classroom
Alt. Location: Zoom
Session Topic(s): Education, Outreach
Session Moderator(s):
Event: Gravitational Wave Astronomy Northwest 2023
Event Dates: 26 Jun 2023 to 28 Jun 2023
Event Location: LIGO Hanford Observatory
Alt. Event Location: Zoom:
Event Topic(s): Meeting
Event Moderator(s):
External URL: GWANW 2023
Start Title Author(s) Topic(s) File(s) Length
10:00 GWANW 2023 Welcome! Jeffrey Kissel et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Education, Outreach
10:15 GWANW student workshop GWA overview Ansel Neunzert Detector
Data Analysis
GWA overview 2...pdf

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