Document List by Author

Pablo Barriga of University of Western Australia is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
P070127-x0 Observation of three-mode parametric interactions in long optical cavities Jesper Munch et al. Document Migration
Public relations
19 Oct 2009
T060273-x0 Study of the possible reduction of parametric instability gain using apodizing coating in test masses Pablo Barriga et al. Document Migration
20 Nov 2006
G060020-x0 Numerical Calculations of Diffraction Losses in Advanced Interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors Pablo Barriga et al. Document Migration
03 Feb 2006
G050547-x0 AIGO 2K - 2005 Gingin Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection Pablo Barriga Document Migration
17 Oct 2005
G050513-x0 The Threat of Parametric Instabilities in Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Detectors - 2005 Gingin Workshop on Gravitational Wave Detection Pablo Barriga et al. Document Migration
14 Oct 2005
G050193-x0 High Frequency Parametric Instabilities in AdvLIGO and Methods for their Control - LSC Meeting, March 20-23, 2005, Livingston LA Pablo Barriga et al. Document Migration
28 Mar 2005

Number of documents found: 6

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