Document List by Author

M Ashley of Unknown Institution is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
P070123-x0 Searching for gravitational waves from Cassiopeia A with LIGO Alicia M Sintes et al. Public relations
Document Migration
16 Oct 2009
G060677-x0 Interesting Astrophysics from Initial LIGO Data: Searching for Isolated Non-Pulsing Neutron Stars M Ashley et al. Document Migration
12 Jan 2007
T060011-x0 PSU Data Conditioning, S2-S4 M Ashley et al. Document Migration
10 Apr 2006
G030588-x0 LineAmp: A Heterodyne Technique to Determine Calibration Line Strength and Phase - LSC Meeting, November 10th - 13th, Hanford WA M Ashley Document Migration
14 Nov 2003
G030336-x0 Progress Report: PSU S2 Burst Analysis M Ashley et al. Document Migration
30 Jul 2003

Number of documents found: 5

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