Document List by Author

Emma Robinson of Albert-Einstein-Institut, Postdam-Golm is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
G1100765-v2 Treatment of Calibration Uncertainty in Multi-Baseline Cross-Correlation Searches for Gravitational Waves John Whelan et al. Stochastic
03 Aug 2012
P1200051-v4 Treatment of Calibration Uncertainty in Multi-Baseline Cross-Correlation Searches for Gravitational Waves John Whelan et al. Calibration
Continuous Wave
27 Jul 2012
P1000128-v26 Upper limits on a stochastic gravitational wave background using LIGO and Virgo interferometers at 600-1000 Hz Emma Robinson et al. Stochastic
01 May 2012
G070877-x0 Status of the Searches for Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Backgrounds Using LIGO and VIRGO Data - GWDAW 12, Dec. 13-16 2007, MIT Emma Robinson Document Migration
18 Dec 2007
G070088-x0 LIGO - VIRGO Stochastic Backgrounds Update - LIGO/VIRGO Scientific Collaborations Meeting, Hilton Capitol Center, Baton Rouge LA, March 19-22, 2007 Emma Robinson Document Migration
22 Mar 2007

Number of documents found: 5

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