Calendar for 20 June 2018

« 19 June 201820 June 2018 21 June 2018 »

Time Event Location  
09:00 – 11:15 NSF Review of LIGO Operations, June 2018:Parallel Breakout Session II: LIGO Detector Commissioning/Upgrades
09:00 – 10:50 NSF Review of LIGO Operations, June 2018:Parallel Breakout Session I: LIGO Computing
14:00 – 16:00 NSF Review of LIGO Operations, June 2018:Parallel Breakout Session IV: LIGO Laboratory Management and Budget I
14:00 – 15:30 NSF Review of LIGO Operations, June 2018:Parallel Breakout Session III: LIGO Laboratory Education and Public Outreach

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