Documents from Last 2 Days

These documents have been modified in the last 2 days.

modified in the last days.

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
M2100148-v10 LSC-Virgo-KAGRA Burst group organizational chart Florent Robinet et al. GW Bursts
25 Jul 2024
D1002874-v8 Flange Layout - H1 Horizontal Access Module 3 (HAM 3) Emery Brown et al. Preliminary Design
System Engineering
21 Jan 2015
M2100023-v29 Compact Binary Coalescence Group Organization Chart Gregory Ashton et al. Organizational Relations
25 Sep 2024
E960050-v13 LIGO Vacuum Compatible Materials List Dennis Coyne Vacuum
Final Design
11 Sep 2024
P2400022-v8 Forecasting the probability of the detection of a compact binary merger in a science run based on previous detections Om Salafia Compact Binaries
13 Jul 2024
D1002890-v8 Flange Layout – L1 Horizontal Access Module 6 (HAM 6) Emery Brown et al. System Engineering
Preliminary Design
16 Dec 2015

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