LIGO Document D1002704-v4

Rack and Cable Tray Layout, LVEA, H1 H2

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Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
10 Mar 2025, 13:23
14 Oct 2024, 12:18
08 Aug 2023, 14:07
30 Nov 2010, 10:24
Cable tray layout.

In the related documents of the same P/N, I have added a new document E1200808, where you can see the rules used to name a table.

Notes and Changes:
1) Moved trays running along the manifold and IO tubes so that they are directly above the tube supports instead of being spaced away by 36 inches. Added extensions to these trays to go to the backs of racks along the tubes.
2) Added low to high tray risers at both ends of the HAM chamber pairs (HAMs 1/2, 5/6, 7/8, 11/12) in order to reduce cable length between LVEA racks and these HAM chambers.
3) Allowed trays over the VE spool between BSC1 and BSC2, thus shortening the cable lengths to BSC1.

a) The tray(s) for ion pump high voltage cables and for VCMS is not shown.
b) The trays for local PSL cabling (to/from racks to table) are not shown.
c) SEI capacitive position sensor satellite racks are not shown.
d) Precise lcoation of the H1 TCS chilles and VCMS-R3 racks in the mechanical room is TBD
e) Richard McCarthy notes that the racks in the mezzanine for H1 are rotated from the positions shown here -- to be revised.

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