LIGO Document D1500016-v3

ETM Low Voltage Low Noise Electro-Static Driver Main Board

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
17 Nov 2023, 09:54
22 Jan 2019, 10:17
A circuit to permit a lower voltage control of the ESD actuation to supplement the high voltage ESD amplifiers. Provisions are made to incorporate the stray upgrades that are present in the field as well as to provide new functionality as prompted by operational experience running the existing ESD system
Files in Document:
Other Files:
ESD Driver
Notes and Changes:
version 3 - Component value changes per ECR E1500341
1. Changed C32 in monitoring amplifier from 1uF to 10nF to put the pole frequency at 4.244kHz
2. Changed C36 in the summing node from 1uF to 0.047uF to increase the dynamic range of the normal quadrant path such that inspiral waveforms may be adequately injected at higher frequencies
3. Corrected typo on DAC noise spectrum from 800uV to 800nV
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