LIGO Document E0900277-x0

DCN - Updated HLTS Test Mass Parts and Assembly, Lower Loop Wire Parts, Jig, and Assembly, and Intermediate Mass Assembly

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
This is a DCN for updated part and assembly drawings of the HLTS Test Mass, Lower Loop Wire, Lower Loop Wire Jig, and Intermediate Mass.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
D070334-v2: Corrected magnet callout on assembly drawing
D0901927-v1: Initial release
D070436-v2: Corrected wire callout for 0.0106" diameter wire
D070438-v2: Corrected wire grooves to use 0.0106" diameter wire
D070337-v3: Corrected magnet callout on assembly drawing and added secondary metal prism
D070338-v3: Removed wire grooves completely
D080124-v2: Corrected wire grooves to use 0.0106" diameter wire
D0901286-v1: Initial release
D0901435-v2: Corrected wire grooves to use 0.0106" diameter wire

The wire grooves on all of these parts were corrected to use a 0.0106"(0.27 mm) diameter wire, which is what is called out in version v1 of the Matlab model (T080310-v1 - ). The old versions had wire grooves for 0.0094" diameter wire, which was from an old version of the Matlab model.

Approval note: -
I note that in the prisms the center of the wire is lined up with the clamp. This is fine for the prototype but I recommend you look at this during the prototype and if necessary consider changing it for production. Refer to D0810033 for example where angle of groove is changed to increase gap between wire and base of groove. Calum Torrie

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