LIGO Document E1100351-v1

DCN-TMS Various Releases and Revisions

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
Various Releases and Revisions for TMS first article (location H2-WBSC6), and tooling.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
This change notice is work in progress and is ~90% complete. The majority of pending updates pertain to assembly drawings and BOM`s in the document list. There will be few if any updates to the production or tooling part drawings listed. The list begins with assemblies, then continues with parts, etc.

For forward production articles, further design changes will be reflected on DCN`s:
E1101192 DCN-TMS Optics and Mounts
E1101204 DCN-TMS Telescope
E1101214 DCN-TMS Suspension & Mass Components
E1101215 DCN-TMS Tooling Releases & Revisions
E1200050 DCN-TMS Telescope Mirror Mounts

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