LIGO Document E1200603-x0

aLIGO, AOS, TCS, Opto-Mechanical Layouts

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
For HWS and CO2P elements on tables in vacuum and in air.

HWS layout, vertex

  • T1900004: HWS coordinate system orientation relative to test mass.

  • T1000179: Calculation: Optical solution calculation and description and ZEMAX diagrams.

    • T1100463: Coordinates: H1 Hartmann Sensor Optical Layouts ITMs, ZEMAX

      • D1101085: Solidworks: H1 HWS OPTICS ASSEMBLY, H1 HAM4 (in-vacuum)

        • D1101083: H1 HWS in-vacuum Opto Mechanical Layout, ITMX, H1, Assembly

        • D1101084: H1 HWS in-vacuum Opto Mechanical Layout, ITMY, H1, Assembly

      • D1400252: Drawing: HWS in-air Opto Mechanical Layout, vertex (same for L1 and H1)

    • T1100471: Coordinates: L1 Hartmann Sensor Optical Layouts ITMs, ZEMAX

      • D1101846: Solidworks: L1 HWS OPTICS ASSEMBLY, L1 HAM4 (in-vacuum)

        • D1101847: L1 HWS in-vacuum Opto Mechanical Layout, ITMX, L1, Assembly

        • D1101848: L1 HWS in-vacuum Opto Mechanical Layout, ITMY, L1, Assembly

      • D1400252: Drawing: HWS in-air Opto Mechanical Layout, vertex (same for L1 and H1)

HWS layout, ETM

  • T1000717: Calculation: optical imaging solution for ETM HWS.

    • D1100607: Drawing: L1 ETMY HWS (and ALS) optical layout on ISCTEY

    • D1400241: Drawing: H1 ETMY HWS (and ALS) optical layout on ISCTEY

    • D1800271: Drawing: L1 ETMX HWS (and ALS) optical layout on ISCTEX

    • D1800270: Drawing: H1 ETMX HWS (and ALS) optical layout on ISCTEX

    • T1800229: Overview of ETM LED source upgrade

CO2 layout

  • D1300294: H1-L1 Layout, aLIGO TCS CO2 Laser Projection System Table Assembly
  • D1000634: Solidworks: TCS CO2P Table Assembly, H1/L1

    • T1200007: Drawing: Optical Table Layout, aLIGO TCS CO2 Laser Projection System

    • T0900217: AdvLIGO Thermal Compensation System (TCS) CO2 projector – features

    • T1500034: aLIGO CO2 projector laser to CP ABCD matrix calculation

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