LIGO Document E1300862-x0

aLIGO, ISC, Tip-Tilt Mirror Mounts

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Collector entry for Tip-Tilt mirror mount documentation. Tip-Tilt mirror mounts are used in HAM1 and HAM6, for steering of the REFL and AS beams in the ISC detection chains. These mounts are named: REFL port - RM1, RM2; AS port - OM1, OM2, OM3.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
Mechanical Design
T1000042 - aLIGO ISC Beam Steering - Tip-Tilt Mirror Design
E1300846 - aLIGO Tip-Tilt (HTTS) Suspension Blade calculations
D1001396 - aLIGO Tip-Tilt Mirror Assembly

Electrical Design
T1100084 - aLIGO HAM-A Coil Driver Board Prototype Test Plan
T1200264 - SUS HAM-A Coil Driver Design Study

D1100117 - aLIGO HAM-A Coil Driver
D1100687: aLIGO Production HAM-A Coil Driver Chassis Top Assembly Drawing

Controls Design
T1400030 - aLIGO HTTS Controls Design Description
E1400316 - HAM TIP-TILT SUSPENSION Controls Arrangement

Testing and Installation Procedure
E1100440 - aLIGO HAM Tip-Tilt Suspension Assembly Procedure
E1300887 - aLIGO HAM Tip-Tilt Suspension Testing and Installation Procedure
E1400218 - HTTS Test Reports

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