LIGO Document G0900434-v4

LIGO and the Search for Gravitational Waves

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Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Other Versions:
The age of Gravitational Wave Astronomy has arrived! Although gravitational waves have not yet been detected, gravitational wave observations have begun to constrain viable regions of parameter space or rule out models for diverse phenomena such as the geometry of neutron stars, string cosmologies and the origins of gamma ray bursts. This talk will review gravitational wave astronomy theory, detectors, sources, data analysis, observational results and future prospects. Special attention will be paid to the role of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory, which is currently the foremost gravitational wave observatory in the world.
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Notes and Changes:
This is the final version that was presented at the 13th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics - pared down for time. Keynote is the original and preferred version. Quicktime version has all animations and can be played with quicktime player on mac and windows and with a video player with the correct codecs on linux (click to advance slides). PDF is most portable version, but does not show animations which were an important part of the talk.

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