LIGO Document G0900583-v1

Properties of hydroxy-catalysis bonds for use in advanced gravitational wave detectors

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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Quasi-monolithic last-stage suspension systems are a key technical approach to reduce the levels of thermal noise in interferometric gravitational wave detectors. A method of interest for jointing the components in this type of suspension is hydroxy-catalysis (or “silicate”) bonding. For Advanced LIGO, fused silica has been chosen as the substrate for the mirrors and their suspension elements due to its low mechanical loss. Silicon is being considered as the substrate and suspension material for third generation detectors, which may run at cryogenic temperatures. Understanding the properties of bonds between these materials, in particular their strength, thickness and thermal conductivity, is crucial in optimizing suspension designs.

Here we present measurements of the strength of hydroxy-catalysis bonds between fused silica substrates as a function of type of bonding solution, volume of bonding solution, load applied to the bonds during curing, and curing temperature.

Strength tests along with the results of scanning electron microscopy studies of bond thickness on silicon to silicon bonds will also be reported.

Files in Document:
  • Poster (Poster_123_Haughian.pdf, 210.1 kB)

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