LIGO Document G1300887-v2

Installing Physical Environment Monitoring System

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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LIGO uses an interferometer to try and detect gravitational waves. To detect these waves LIGO must be sensitive to as little as 10^-20m, because of this sensitivity there are many environmental aspects that can create noise. That noise can block signals on the gravitational wave channel. The installation of the sensors in the Physical Environment Monitoring system (PEM) will help the interferometer become more sensitive by disregarding signals from environmental aspects and to also help identify excess noise that can then be decreased before advanced LIGO becomes fully operational. We installed all the sensors that were needed and helped to identify problem signals for the half interferometer test (HIFO-Y). We investigated the problem of cross talking between cables in Endevco boxes and using the sensors to look at propagation speeds. We continued to update PEM website with relevant information for each sensor, such as sample spectrum, calibration, and grid location.
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