LIGO Document P070145-x0

Monitoring Sco X-1 for the detection of gravitational waves with networks of gravitational wave detectors

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P - Publications
Searching for gravitational waves triggered by electromagnetic astronomical observations has several benefits: prior information about the source location enhances detection efficiency, and the use of time coincidence implies analysis of only a small stretch of data which allows sophisticated analysis with high computational costs. During postprocessing, knowledge about the source enables accurate reconstruction of the source parameters, leading to an astrophysical interpretation. In this paper, we present a triggered search pipeline called RIDGE and we demonstrate the search for gravitational waves from Sco X-1, in which X-ray bursts occur frequently, using simulated data. In the analysis, we consider the optimum network combination for Sco X-1.
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Notes and Changes:

Rev P070145-00-Z:
- Full document number: LIGO-P070145-00-Z
- Author(s): Kazuhiro Hayama; Soumya Mohanty; Malik Rakhmanov; Shantanu Desai; Tiffany Summerscales
- Document date: 2007-11-28
- Document received date: 2007-11-28
- Document entry date: 2007-11-28

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