LIGO Document T1000334-v1

Review Report Interferometer Sensing and Control Final Design

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T - Technical notes
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17 Feb 2013, 11:04
The Interferometer Sensing and Control (ISC) Final Design Review (FDR) was held during the month of June, 2010. We consider the ISC final review overall complete and recommend that the ISC team go forward with the production of the system. We consider the design of the length and alignment sensing and control, the ETM transmission monitor, the output mode cleaner, the tip-tilt mirrors, the design of the arm length stabilization scheme, and the lock acquisition technique in good condition. Great progress has been made in electronics design and mechanical drawings. However, we note that only about 50% of these designs have final drawings available. We consider this a serious schedule risk and strongly recommend that additional staff be added to help in drawing completion, manufacturing, testing and installation.
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