LIGO Document T1000352-v3

EXCEL spreadsheet for design of HSTS Blades

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
EXCEL spreadsheet for design of HSTS Blades, updated for latest mass estimates and blade parameters to be used for production blades
Files in Document:
HSTS blades
Notes and Changes:
v2 - updated max allowed stress to 1000 MPa
v3 - corrected comment on m3. Value used in EXCEL sheet is 1 degree wedge version which is "lighter" of two versions for which the HSTS suspension is used, corresponding to the IMC mirror. The second version is 0.5 degree wedge, 20 gm heavier, corresponding to small recycling mirror. We will keep overall mass loading on blades the same by adjusting m2 as needed.

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