LIGO Document T1000488-v1

2010 LSC Instrument Science Priority Matrix

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T - Technical notes
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The following matrix is intended as a companion to the LSC 2010 Instrument Science White Paper (LIGO-T1000416). The purpose is to identify the tasks and goals outlined in the white paper with phases or goals within the larger framework of GW science development. Specifically, four major motivations for the white paper activities were identified:
• Fundamental Science which lays the groundwork broadly for GW development,
• AdvLIGO Risk Mitigation (tasks which address problems that might crop up in the planned AdvLIGO program),
• “Enhanced AdvLIGO” (developments which might be suitable to incorporate into AdvLIGO after a couple of years of AdvLIGO operation and which might give a moderate performance improvement at a modest cost), and
• Third Generation Detectors, which offer very significant performance improvements (either in sensitivity or frequency coverage) but would require major changes or possibly new facilities.
Each task was evaluated to identify which of these categories provided the primary motivation for the activity and further, each task was assigned a priority (high, medium, or low). Many of the tasks also have one or more secondary motivations, and these were also identified and prioritized.
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